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The Top 5 Surf Destinations In The World
There are a lot of places where you can go surfing, but they might not be the best places. If you are planning a surfing holiday, there are certain locations that you need to consider. These locations will offer you the best waves for the time you spend there.
Turtle Beach, Hawaii
Turtle Beach is the north shore of the island of Oahu in Hawaii. This beach is the home of some of the biggest waves in the world. For many people, Laniakea is considered the best point break on the whole coastline.
If you are going to head out to this beach, you will find rough waves of 4 to 12 feet in the winter and flatter surf in the summer. When you are on the beach, you need to ensure that you protect yourself from the sun as it is warm all year. It is also important to note that the surf has strong currents and there is a nearly exposed reef bottom which makes low tide surfing a challenge.
Jeffrey’s Bay, South Africa
Jeffrey’s Bay is often referred to as the mecca of all waves because of the supertubes that you can find there. These tubes are known to offer rides of up to 300 meters and will be one of the best right-hand point breaks in the world. The surf is so good there that an annual Billabong Pro ASP World Tour is held each July. Read More
7 Useful Tips For A Kitesurfing In Tarifa, Spain Vacation
There are so many great coastlines around the world to practice and enjoy kite surfing. If you have decided that this year you are going to take your kitesurfing vacation in Tarifa, Spain, you might find the following 7 tips useful:
1.Book your flights and accommodation early. In order to get the cheapest prices on flights and hotel accommodation in Tarifa, it is best to book as early as possible. You should make sure that you compare quotes from multiple travel companies to make sure you are not paying over the odds for your vacation. In addition, if you don’t mind flying during off-peak hours, you could save a small fortune on your flight ticket costs.
2. Rent all the kitesurfing equipment you need when you arrive in Tarifa. There are plenty of places to rent kitesurfing gear in Spain and prices are very cheap. So, there is no need for you to try and bring all of your own sports gear with you, which could result in some very expensive excess luggage costs at the airport.
3. Consider opting for a group session. Booking a place on group coaching sessions is a good way to save money and have a lot more fun. You get to meet lots of new people and because you are all sharing the cost of the hiring of the professional coach, it will cost you a lot less than a private individual coaching session. Learning in a group can also provide you with a lot of motivation and encouragement, so you might find your skills improving at a faster rate.
4. Don’t completely rule out individual coaching sessions. In the last tip we recommended group sessions, but if you really want was to reach a professional level in the sport, you are going to need to pay for some private individual tutoring. In Tarifa, there are lots of excellent private expert coach that have very reasonable hourly rates.
5. Exercise in advance. In order to get the most out of your Tarifa kitesurfing vacation, you need to arrive in Spain in good physical shape, especially if you only have a week to enjoy your time in the sea. Therefore, it would be a good idea to start an intensive workout regime several weeks before your vacation. Kitesurfing uses just about every muscle in the human body, so make sure you do a range of different workouts at the gym.
6. Take lots of photographs and videos. A two-week kitesurfing vacation can pass very quickly since you be having so much fun, so it’s a good idea to take some photos and videos to help you remember it. Having documented footage of your vacation away can also help with vacation blues when you get back home. Read More
Author Archives: admin
The Top 5 Surf Destinations In The World
There are a lot of places where you can go surfing, but they might not be the best places. If you are planning a surfing holiday, there are certain locations that you need to consider. These locations will offer you … Continue reading
7 Useful Tips For A Kitesurfing In Tarifa, Spain Vacation
There are so many great coastlines around the world to practice and enjoy kite surfing. If you have decided that this year you are going to take your kitesurfing vacation in Tarifa, Spain, you might find the following 7 tips … Continue reading
7 Kitesurf Travel Tips To Make Your First Kite Holiday More Fun For Beginners
Sporting vacations are always a lot of fun, but they can take a lot of planning and require you to be in good physical shape. Presented below are 7 travel tip for kitesurfing beginners to help make your first kite … Continue reading
Surf Workouts: How To Get Fit For Your Next Kitesurf Holiday
When it comes to kitesurfing, it’s important that you’re in peak physical condition to make the most out of the experience. It’s no wonder that many of those that are professional when it comes to kitesurfing have lots of lean … Continue reading